Students Can Change the World
Creating real impact for a more sustainable
and inclusive world
Each student’s journey at Magna is a story of triumph and personal growth. Here, we celebrate not only the academic achievements but also the personal milestones that mark the transformative impact of our students.
The student stories are a reflection of Magna's holistic educational environment, where students are encouraged to challenge themselves, think creatively, and explore new horizons.
Passion found following industry titans
Harry went from shy to the most talented public speaker that Dr Kevin Allen has ever witnessed
Following a 40 year successful career in advertising, business and public speaking, you’d think Kevin had seen it all. Yet, he saw great potential in our shy and introverted potential Harry. Harry is very shy and socially awkward, but when he was put into a situation of publicly speaking, all our jaws dropped. He was animated, humorous and engaging. Given his Chinese background, the fact he managed to give such a compelling speech in English astounded Kevin to the degree to which he said he was the most talented public speaker he had ever seen. This significantly boosted Harry’s confidence and now he is continuing to develop this skill. We are sure he will do great things!
Potential realised following discovery scholars
Anita has always been a great student and that’s where she believed her skills started and ended. Following our Discovery Scholars programme, she realised her potential as a leader and as a creative innovator in the research space.
Despite only being 13 years old, Anita led her research group project, came up with innovative solutions for recruitment based problems for her study and discovered some fascinating ways of explaining variance in her dataset. We were astounded and enjoyed taking her under our wing to help her develop her skills further. Following the course, she won a prize in creative thinking in research and we are confident that she can truly make an impact in the world in leading on research papers and ensuring they are applied in real life. She’s began now to have that confidence in herself as well!
Confidence boost following metacognition course
The metacognitive course, focusing on attention, strategy use, English proficiency, and memory techniques, played a crucial role in boosting Fred’s confidence.
This, combined with exposure to a diverse cultural setting and hands-on global projects, shifted Fred from being shy to becoming a confident, articulate individual. By the programme's end, he emerged not only more knowledgeable but also more self-assured, ready to positively impact his community.
Student Testimonials